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URC kitchen team - 2.jpg


Volunteers are essential to the running of a successful shelter and we are very fortunate to have the support of many willing and capable volunteers who provide ongoing help, communication skills and teamwork. 


MCWS simply could not run without the hard work of our amazing volunteers and, although many of our volunteers come from local churches, you do not need to go to church to become a volunteer.  If you have compassion and a desire to help people who, often through no fault of their own, find themselves homeless and desperate, we would love to hear from you.


 Volunteering has always been a core value at Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter.  Words cannot begin to express how grateful we are for the dedication, care and kind-heartedness of our volunteers each winter.  We are really pleased to have so many people who are happy to give up their time and skills to support us in our work.​


Our volunteer application process for the current winter is now closed.  However, if you wish to volunteer in the future, please use the contact button at the top of this page to request further information.


Our shelters run from various church venues around Maidstone and we have a variety of different shifts available for our volunteers.  Further details of these shifts are shown below.  


afternoon roles

afternoon roles: 3.15pm - 5.45pm

Tasks include:

Prepare and offer drinks/light refreshments

Socialise with and support guests

evening roles

kitchen team: 6-9pm

Tasks include:

Prepare, cook and serve the evening meal for 7.30pm

Wash up and tidy away

Clean and sanitize the kitchen

Set up / welcome team: 6.15-9.30pm

Tasks include:

Set up camp beds with sleeping bags etc

Set up tables for dinner

Welcome and serve guests 

Eat a meal alongside our guests and socialise with them at the evening's activities

Tidy away tables/chairs etc

Clean & sanitize all areas







We have 1 x paid overnight member of staff and 1-2 x overnight volunteers every night.  The staff member stays awake all night whilst the volunteer(s) each stay awake for half the night and sleep for half the night (swapping between waking/sleeping if there are two overnight volunteers). 


The ‘awake’ volunteer helps to ensure that our guests remain safe and comfortable, sometimes just listening or making a cup of tea if that is needed.

morning roles

On weekend mornings we offer breakfast at the shelter.  However, on weekday mornings our overnight guests have their breakfast at Maidstone Day Centre, so we do not offer breakfast facilities at the shelter from Monday - Friday.


breakfast team (Weekend mornings): 7.30am - 8.30am

Tasks include:

Prepare and serve breakfast

Prepare packed lunches for guests to take away

Clear away and sanitize the kitchen afterwards

tidy up team: 7.00am - 8.30am (Weekdays); 8.00am - 9.00am (weekends)

Tasks include:

Weekdays: Offer overnight guests a cup of tea and biscuit before they leave for breakfast at the Day Centre.

Pack away camp beds, pillows etc, putting sleeping bags and pillowcases into sacks ready for laundering.

Tidy and clean the sleeping areas.

Ensure the property is left in good, clean condition.


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Playing 'Corks' at the Methodist church - 2a.jpg

​If you would like to know more, please refer to our FAQ's below or read our Volunteer Handbook: 





I absolutely loved working at the shelter. The visitors were all polite and welcoming. It gave me a lesson in empathy and changed my outlook as I was unsure what to expect at first. I would like to do again next year.


Frequently Asked questions

Do I have to volunteer for every night?

No. On our volunteer application form we ask volunteers to specify which evenings and weeks they are available, together with the tasks they’d like to undertake.  Our rotas are prepared using this information.


Will I be allocated all the shifts I volunteer for?

Not necessarily.  We try to ensure that all our volunteers are allocated shifts.  If we have too many volunteers for a particular shift, we limit the number of volunteers for that session.  This is to ensure that our guests aren’t overwhelmed and outnumbered by the volunteers.  There are plenty of shifts though & we do try to ensure that all volunteers are able to help.


What if I volunteer but don’t like it?

If you volunteer but then decide it’s not for you, please just let the office know you’d rather not volunteer again.  We will remove your name from future rotas and find another volunteer to cover the future shifts.


If I am on the set up/Welcome shift, will I get dinner?

We ask our welcome team to share dinner with our guests in the same way as a family meal, so dinner is provided for evening volunteers in addition to guests - although we like our guests to be served first.


How will I know what to do if I haven’t volunteered before?

We run a couple of training sessions each winter, prior to the start of the shelter.  However, a staff member or an experienced volunteer will always be on hand to guide you on your first shift(s).  The teams of volunteers work really well together and are always there to support one another.


My children would like to help.  Are they able to?

The shelter welcomes young volunteers aged between 16 and 17 years old to assist with various volunteer duties, including setting up the venue and meeting & greeting guests.  However, any volunteers under the age of 18 will need to nominate a responsible adult who will attend each shift with them.  


Do I need any checks if I want to volunteer?

On our volunteer application form we ask for details of 2 x referees, whom we contact to check the suitability of our volunteers.  These checks are undertaken every 3 years.  We also undertake DBS checks for our Project Staff and Overnight volunteers.


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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