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Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter is funded mainly by donations from trust funds, churches/church members and supportive groups or individuals. 


We would like to thank all those who donate to MCWS, as your support enables our guests to receive the shelter and support they need each winter.  Every donation is truly appreciated.


If you wish to donate to MCWS, you can make a one-off donation or even consider making a regular donation.  Donations can be made in a variety of ways as follows:

Donate Online

Giving online is easy and secure. You can use this option to make a one-off donation or to set up a monthly donation.  If you are a UK taxpayer there is an option to add Gift Aid, which will increase your donation by 25%.

Donate via cheque

Cheques can be made payable to ‘Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter’ and posted to:

MCWS, 6 Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent  ME16 0SL

If you are a UK taxpayer there is an option to add Gift Aid, which will increase your donation by 25%.  If you wish to add gift aid, please click on the button below, print and complete the form and send it with your donation.  


Donate via bank transfer

One off donations or regular standing orders can also be made directly into our bank account.  No fees are paid on these transactions, meaning that MCWS will get 100% of your donation.  

Account name: MCWS

Bank: Reliance Bank

Sort code: 60-01-73 

Account number: 0021 5200

If you make a donation directly into our bank account, please send an email to to notify us that you have made a payment. 

 If you are a UK taxpayer there is an option to add Gift Aid, which will increase your donation by 25%.  If you wish to add gift aid, please click on the button below, print and complete the form and send it to: Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter, 6 Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent  ME16 0SL.  Alternatively, you can send a scanned copy of the completed form to:

will/legacy donation

By leaving a legacy gift to Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter in your will, you can help ease the cruelty of homelessness in the future.  Your gift could one day transform someone’s life, bringing safety, security and hope.


We understand that your loved ones will be your top priority when planning your will, but once you’ve provided for those closest to you, a gift to Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter could help to change the lives of those struggling to survive on the streets of Maidstone.


If you wish to provide a legacy gift to Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter in your will, the information your solicitor/will writer will need is:


Charity: Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter

Address: 6 Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent ME16 0SL

Charity number: 1156735

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